Because the students are in a safe space, they have the opportunity to develop their agency, voice, and be exposed to different activities. They have the confidence to take all of this on because they are free from harm and know they will be supported.


"WHEDco has been great for my family. It has made my sister less shy and made us both more active and good at communicating. The activities that have helped me realize what I excel at are sewing and going out to the gym and being active."

— Nerly Molina


"WHEDco has also taught me to control my anger. Before the pandemic I had to talk to a WHEDco staff member who helped me control my feelings and my anger which is something that's helped me grow at WHEDco."

— Samara Jordan


"I really like that WHEDco enables me to have time to myself but also I can stay here after school and I do not have to be bored at home, I can do the activities here. I learn a lot through the activities."

— Josue


Interview Snapshots: Why Safe Spaces Matter


About Confident Futures